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Parkrun Challenge

The Parkrun Challenge 2025 kicks off on Saturday 18th January at Rushcliffe.


Below are the 11 Parkruns and two Volunteer days that constitute the 2025 Challenge. There is no December parkrun this year as the awards night is likely to be late November/Early December and although this is subject to change, it will be an 11 parkrun competition this year just in case.

18th January - Rushcliffe
15th February - Belvoir Castle
15th March - Forest Rec
12th April - Markeaton
17th May - Gedling
7th June - Volunteer at any of the 11 parkruns
14th June - Sence Valley Forest Park
19th July - Long Eaton
16th August - Melton Mowbray
13th September - Wollaton Hall
20th September - Volunteer at any of the 11 parkruns
18th October - Bestwood Village
15th November - Colwick


The points system is the same as last time:
10 points for attending the parkrun - with increasing bonus attendance points for attending more than 7 of the 11 parkruns.

plus either

5 bonus points if you get within 20 seconds of your best parkrun challenge time or 10 bonus points for getting your best parkrun challenge time of the year (Up to a maximum of six bonuses for the year).​​


So your first challenge time will be a guaranteed 20 pointer!
On the 7th June and 20th September, if you volunteer at any of the 11 parkruns in this year's challenge you earn 10 points each time.
Please ensure that on your parkrun profile, HPRC is named as your club. If it is not then I
may not pick up that you have run.
As well as the challenge itself, many people come just for the social and to go to parkruns
they might not have been to before. So if competition is not your thing, then still come



2024 Mark Bidmead

2023 Bryn Stone

2022 Kate Banks​

2019 Lauren Johnson

2018 Oliver Matharu

2017 Alex Loach




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